Keywords: |
mascot, guitar playing, side-scrolling, fairy, dancing, pixel art, snow, camera, level selection, giant insects, silent protagonist, climbing, playstation network, darkness, mosquito, boss fight, single-player only, anthropomorphism, bonus stage, playstation trophies, voice acting, protagonist's name in the title, psone classics, pop culture reference, collectibles, launch titles, cartoon cutscene, non-player character, sprinting mechanics, playstation plus, checkpoints, treasure chest, unstable platforms, potion, real-time combat, vertical scrolling, instant kill, secret area, level select map, multi-phase boss, liberation, mercenary, playstation tv support, floating island, cheat code, moving platforms, been here before, auto-scrolling levels, boss assistance, completion percentage, food-themed stage, music-themed stage, swinging platforms, trilogy, reversed controls, greatest hits, ubi key, e3 1995, male protagonist, fan translation - esperanto
Similar Games: |
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